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What are the helpful tools for content writing?

Tools for content writing
Image credit: Freepik

If you know about basic writing patterns and want to check whether your skills are fulfilling the industry standards, then you are in the right place. Why? Because today, I am sharing a tiny yet helpful article about all the basic tools for content writing that will help you judge your content from the expert's criteria or from the expert's eyes. So, what are you waiting for? Read the complete guide to learn more and grow more!

What are the helpful tools for content writing?

First of all, tools in content writing are actually some applications or software that run on the basis of algorithms that evaluate your work and give a report so that you can edit or omit the content if needed. So, below are a few legit, accurate, and free tools that work tremendously well when it comes to checking the piece of content, especially articles. Without any delay, let's dive in!

1. Grammarly

Your command over language and grammar is very important when you are writing anything as it increases the reliability and quality of your work and that is where Grammarly can be your savior.

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It is a free and genuine tool to check the grammar of your content. Whether you are writing an email, article, script, press release, or so on, it has the tendency to find errors (if any) and also gives you the right suggestion fitting there.

It can run anywhere including WordPress, Docs, WhatsApp inbox, and more. A Grammarly report scoring more than 70 is eligible to stand on the industry standards.

2. Duplichecker

Your content must be unique and not copied from any other existing content that is already present in this world under the name of any other organization or author. And to check its originality, Duplichecker is one of the best tools for content writing.

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This tool is completely free of cost and verifies the content with thousands of articles already published on the web. It basically highlights the sentences or paragraphs that look duplicates and also shares their reference sites for better transparency of the report.

The word limit for checking a piece of content at a time with Duplichecker is 1000 words and has no daily limits like other tools for the same purpose. Any report with a maximum of % duplicate content is eligible to stand on the industry standards but more than this percentage is not acceptable by a lot of clients.

3. Copyleaks

No client or organization wants to publish content that is generated by artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, Bard, and more as that content lacks human knowledge and uniqueness.

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Not only that, but the content written by humans has its own touch, format, and examples which helps in getting more reach as compared to AI-written content and that is why every client looks at the work's generation source.

However, you can use such AI tools to get the basic knowledge about the topic but should avoid copying it at any cost. To check the AI content, Copyleaks is one of the best tools. A report with a maximum of 5-8% of AI content detection is eligible to stand on the industry standards but more than this percentage may not be acceptable by the clients.


Which is the best tool to check the grammar of my content?

Grammarly works tremendously well when it comes to checking grammar and suggesting the right changes to make your work supreme and rich in quality.

Which is the best tool to check plagiarism?

Duplichecker is one of the best tools to check plagiarism of your content.


Above we shared a brief guide about the most helpful tools for content writing which might be a bit informative to you for entering the content industry.

However, there are substitutes for each of them and it is also okay if you try them as well to take the reports of your content. For more information or to ask any queries, you can connect with us through the comment box or social media handles. Thank you for reading!

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